I recently felt sick on the subway. Well, that's all, I think, I'll get off at the next station now and go upstairs And then the lady next to me asks Excuse me, are you feeling sick?
I do feel sick, but it's not the bad thing when someone has to help.
I breathe in the air, drink some tea with sugar - and everything will be fine. So I say politely and in the most cheerful voice possible Thank you, I'm dizzy, I'm fine, I'll get out now and call a taxi, thank you.
You're so handsome, smile, please! - the lady suddenly says.
I think: Smiling is the last thing I want to now.
Yeah, yeah, I say. And she doesn't lag behind: smile!
I give a small smile and want to get out of the car as quickly as possible.
At home I ask myself what was all this about smile? And suddenly it dawns on me: the person was checking if I could smile, if I was paralyzed on some side of my body. Because if I was paralyzed, I wouldn't understand it, but she did. God bless her health
Feb 22, 2022
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